You decide an excellent place to go would be the pub. To have a chat with the barmaid who was working that night: Marilyn Delaney. She greets you with a smile. Marilyn is well known to be privy to lots of secrets in the City and is always a good source of information.
“Well it was just a night like any other. He came in with his wife at around 9 pm; and left just after 10 pm. However, he did seem very worse for wear and I swear I only served him twice. His wife, that Helen, did not seem happy with him and had a face on her all night. If looks could kill she would be top of my list”
You ask was anyone else there and read out list of suspects from your leads.
“Oh, now you mention it yes, there was. The old Mayor; what’s-his-face, that Clive man…. he arrived just before the Mayor left. He didn’t seem pleased to see him, but nothing was said between them. Steven was here as usual propping up the bar like he normally does at least 5 night a week; talking about revolution as always. I swear he seems to walk better once he has had a few' he barely needed his crutches when he walked out of here. And that Judge was here as well, having a meeting with Lord Yearbarron which I found odd as they usually don’t mix together. They did seem happy with something as there was a lot of jovial noises coming from their table.”
You ask if anything unusual happened.
“I can’t say anything sprang to mind. Once the Mayor left just after 10pm then all the others stayed until last orders at 10.45 before making their way home. Sorry if I’ve not been much use officer, but it was a busy night and there were drinks all over the bar and I barely remember who’s was who let alone trying to remember what else happened. Still, as long as everyone paid and I pick up my wage I’m happy”